PM 130g powder - Dog and Cat

694,00 SEK

Item number00094Categories: Dog, Cat,

This supplementary feed is carefully balanced to support the balanced nutrition of all the body's major systems and processes. Given in the evening and complementing AM, the nutrients released throughout the night ensure optimal "clean-up" of damaged or malfunctioning cells, tissue organs and systems, thus contributing to recovery and good health.

Store away from sunlight and at room temperature. Keep container closed between uses. Use only for the species specified and as directed

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That's why we have a good network of dealers who either have the products on the shelf, in their webshop or can get them to you at very short notice. We are constantly increasing the number of dealers and are in the fortunate position of not having to seek out new opportunities.... Our loyal pet owners automatically make sure that the local pet shop gets the products on the shelves.

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